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Fish Venkat reveals leg amputation fears amid health battles


Comedian Fish Venkat's health has taken a toll. In a recent interview, he suggested that his legs might need amputation. He has been suffering from uncontrolled Diabetes and his kidneys have also failed.

"Diabetes caused my leg to become very swollen. An operation was performed four years ago, but the leg remained affected. Since then, I have lost skin on my leg and have been feeling weak. My kidneys also failed, and I have been undergoing dialysis for a year and a half. I have two sons and a daughter. My sons don't provide financial support, but my daughter sometimes helps," Fish Venkat said.

"Lakhs of rupees were spent on operations and dialysis. After that, some Ministers and acquaintances helped, and a few in the film industry also offered support. I never told anyone about my situation. Some people in the film industry might help if I asked, but now I don't have any work and lack the patience to go to shoots. I can only eat at home," Fish Venkat added.