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I was hurt and alone: Raj Tarun addresses Lavanya controversy


Raj Tarun broke his silence on Wednesday, appearing before the media for the first time since his estranged partner, Lavanya, leveled serious accusations against him last month. The actor had previously retreated from the spotlight after a brief initial response but returned to promote his upcoming film, 'Tiragabadara Saami' (August 2nd release).

Admitting to a period of isolation and hurt, Raj Tarun explained his decision to step away. "I was deeply affected by the situation and chose to distance myself. However, I realized I couldn't avoid the world indefinitely," he said.

The actor also expressed frustration over a particular channel's treatment of his sick parents, who suffer from diabetes, hypertension, and heart conditions. A journalist from the channel defended their reporting, claiming to be acting in the public interest.

Raj Tarun vehemently denied Lavanya's allegations, demanding proof for the claims made against him, particularly regarding a purported abortion.